Beef x Dairy
Unsere Fleischrassebullen werden für gefragte Merkmale wie Fruchtbarkeit, Leichtkalbigkeit, Wachstumsleistung und Schlachtmerkmale ausgewählt.
Arbeite mit deinem/deiner Alta Berater:in zusammen, um die richtige Rindergenetik für deine individuelle Zuchtstrategie zu finden.
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Für Milcherzeuger
Nutzt du den Einsatz von Fleischrassen als Teil deiner Zuchtstrategie?
Als Teil deiner Zuchtstrategie kann der Einsatz von Fleischrassen auf den Tieren, mit denen du nicht weiterzüchten möchtest, Sinn machen. Hierfür ist eine konkrete Bestandsplanung entscheidend, damit du immer im Blick hast, wieviele Trächtigkeiten du für eine beständige Nachzucht benötigst, ob deine Aufzuchtkapazitäten ausreichen und auf welchen Tieren du welche Besamungen planen solltest.
Fertility Focus
For dairy producers who use beef semen simply to create a pregnancy on lower-end genetic animals that result in an easy calving.
Fertility Focus sires hold the coveted high fertility CONCEPT PLUS BxD status. That means each bull on this list has proven his results at a 2%-5% conception rate advantage over the average beef bull used on dairy animals. Fertility Focus sires also promote easy calving by accounting for Calving Ease Direct (CED).
Black Calf Sires
For dairy producers looking to capitalize on the optimal premium for beef x dairy cross calves sold one or two days after birth.
The Black Calf Index accounts for Calving Ease Direct (CED) for simplicity in the maternity pen and Ribeye Area (REA) to create calves with more of a beef look.
Feeder Calf Sires
For dairy producers who also raise their beef x dairy cross calves to 300-500 pounds
The Feeder Calf Index aims to optimize growth rates of beef x dairy cross calves by accounting for Weaning Weight (WW) and Feedlot Value ($F) or Terminal Index (TI).
Terminal Index
For dairy producers that also raise and finish their beef x dairy cross animals or contract with a buyer focused primarily on carcass merit.
The Terminal Index optimizes growth traits and carcass merit by focusing on Beef Value ($B) and Feedlot Value ($F) or Terminal Index (TI)
Fertility focus
For dairy producers who use beef semen simply to create a pregnancy on lower-end genetic animals that result in an easy calving.
Fertility Focus sires hold the coveted high fertility CONCEPT PLUS BxD status. That means each bull on this list has proven his results at a 2%-5% conception rate advantage over the average beef bull used on dairy animals. Fertility Focus sires also promote easy calving by accounting for Calving Ease Direct (CED).
*Limousin bulls on the Fertility Focus list have externally proven fertility results*
Black Calf Sires
For dairy producers looking to capitalize on the optimal premium for beef x dairy cross calves sold one or two days after birth.
The Black Calf Index accounts for Calving Ease Direct (CED) for simplicity in the maternity pen and Ribeye Area (REA) to create calves with more of a beef look.
Feeder Calf Sires
For dairy producers who also raise their beef x dairy cross calves to 300-500 pounds
The Feeder Calf Index aims to optimize growth rates of beef x dairy cross calves by accounting for Weaning Weight (WW) and Feedlot Value ($F) or Terminal Index (TI).
Terminal Index
For dairy producers that also raise and finish their beef x dairy cross animals or contract with a buyer focused primarily on carcass merit.
The Terminal Index optimizes growth traits and carcass merit by focusing on Beef Value ($B) and Feedlot Value ($F) or Terminal Index (TI)